Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy 1st Pax!!!


You are a year old today.  I have so many things I want to say to you.  From the time I was 2 years old all I ever wanted to do was to be a mommy.  You can ask any of my friends what I wanted to be when I grew up & they would tell you that's what I wanted.  As time went on, I wondered if God would ever hear the cry of my heart & let me meet a wonderful man to marry.  I wondered if I'd ever get to be a mom.  I had no idea how incredibly perfect God's plan would be.  His plan is always perfect son, never forget that!  Your daddy & I got married on June 27, 2009.  We knew without a doubt that we wanted to have children.  Little did we know how very quickly the Lord would hear our prayer & answer!  On Halloween 2009, I found out I was pregnant...WITH YOU!  :)  From Day 1, I fell madly in love with you!  Pregnancy wasn't super easy with you, but you were oh so worth it!  On June 28, 2010 (1 short day after our first anniversary) you arrived into our world.  Oh what joy!  Oh what a blessing!  I'll never forget the 1st time I saw your face!  Perfection.  And you looked just like Daddy.
 You are the best baby!  You are so easy!  You sleep so well...all night & you take 2 awesome naps a day!  You are shy around people you don't know or large crowds, but boy you can certainly be loud & entertaining!  You walk while holding onto pieces of furniture (or me...).  You crawl EVERYWHERE!  And I swear you are as fast as lightning!  Sometimes you stand alone for a few seconds, but as soon as you realize what you've done, you drop down.  ha!  You clap everytime you hear someone say "Yay!", you wave everytime someone says "Bye" (& sometimes you'll say "bye-bye" too), you say Mama & Dada, but your most favorite word is ball (although you pronounce it bbaawwwllll-it is the sweetest thing ever!).  And yesterday you began signing the word "more."  You & I are best friends.  You follow me everywhere.  I don't think I've had a moment alone in 12 months & if you count the 9 months I was pregnant, that'd be a whopping 21 months of me & you, kid.  I wouldn't have it any other way!
P, I love being your mom!  You are my dream come true!  You are my answered prayer!  You made me a momma & I'm so greatful that it was you!  I'm crazy about you baby boy!  I love spending my days at home with you-there's no where else I want to be!  Your dad is madly in love with you!  I love to see the way the two of you light up when you see each other & the way you whisper "dada."  Oh Pax, I don't want you to grow up!  I have loved this year with you!  I have loved watching you grow!  I pray so many things for you, my sweet son.  But mostly, I pray for you to grow to fear the Lord, because fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  I pray that you would do great things for the Kingdom.  I pray God chooses to use you in a mighty way!  I love you Pax!

HAPPY CELEBRATION OF YOUR LIFE!!!  (Here's to at least a 100 more!!!)

With all my heart,

Monday, June 27, 2011

2 years!

Happy Anniversary, Barry!  I would honestly have to say that we have experienced more in the past 2 years than I ever thought would've been imaginable!  You have been a steady peace in our home through rocky moments.  You have been a soft place to land through hard days.  You are a wonderful husband!  I appreciate the way you love me.  I hope we have 2 million more anniversaries together!  I never understood that forever would never be long enough until I met you.  I'm so thankful for that blind date almost three years ago!  I love you more today than I did the day we married.  You are my heart & soul!  Thank you for loving me!